

Schwindelfrei Residency

24 June - 14 July 2024


Title: Schwindelfrei Residency with Darja Reznikova & Sade Mamedova

Venue/Location: Eintanzhaus Mannheim

Showings: 11 & 12 July 2024

Event description:

“Slava Ukraini!” (“Glory to Ukraine!”) has been Ukraine’s slogan since the beginning of the war. The intention behind this popular slogan is obvious, but what else does it stand for? 

In their planned production SLAVA  (“Glory” or the short version of the Russian name “Vyacheslav”), inspired by recent events of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Darja Reznikova and Sade Mamedova take up a current topic by placing their Ukrainian and Russian roots in relation to each other. 

Their approach of working together with two refugee artists from the conflicting countries and jointly addressing concepts such as war, hostility and information in a time of surveillance capitalism, characterised by propaganda and populism the residency is a starting point for an in depth research into the rather complicated thematic setting.

The following questions will be addressed: How is information disseminated and received nowadays and what can we call absolute truth? How does hostility arise and how do we function as a collective? When does patriotism become nationalism? Can we fight for glory?

The central question for the research is: What are the motives for hostility towards a fellow human being and how can we create more open, emphatic and profound encounters without prejudice?

Days left until event








Blickwechsel Residency

30 March - 4 April 2024


Title: Blickwechsel Residency with Sade Mamedova & Darja Reznikova

Venue/Location: Eintanzhaus Mannheim

Event description:

Over the last few years, an exciting new generation of dancers and choreographers has grown up in Mannheim, working together in different constellations, networking and developing further. With Blickwechsel, ETH is giving new choreographic voices a space to present their productions to a curious and diverse audience in Mannheim. In their planned production SLAVA, Darja Reznikova and Sade Mamedova take up a current topic by placing their Ukrainian and Russian roots in relation to each other. Their approach of working together with various other refugee artists from the conflicting countries and jointly addressing the excesses of propaganda, populism and the associated prejudices is the thematic setting for this residency.

Days left until event








Artists Encounter


Title: Spring Forward Artists Encounter

Venue/Location: Staatstheater Darmstadt, Staatstheater Wiesbaden, Staatstheater Mainz

Event description:

The Spring Forward Festival 2024 will take place in the three German cities of Darmstadt, Wiesbaden and Mainz between 21–23 March. Led by Hessisches Staatsballett, the festival is hosted by the Staatstheaters in those cities.
Aerowaves and the host partners will bring together the #Twenty24 selection of artists from around Europe to a professional global audience. In addition, Hessisches Staatsballett will present V/ertigo, a double bill with choreographies by Damien Jalet and Imre & Marne van Opstal.

The festival will also be an opportunity to meet the international group of journalists and writers of the Springback Academy and the producers and curators of the Startup Forum programme. Aerowaves has also invited 10 dance makers based in Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz and Baden-Württemberg (Germany) to be part of the Spring Forward Artists Encounter, and participate in an intensive programme which includes a professional development workshop, opportunities to network and access to the festival programme.

Darja Reznikova is one of the ten artists who was invited to aprticiapte in the Artists Encounter programme.


Spring Forward 2024 host organisations 

Hessisches Staatsballett

Staatstheater Darmstadt

Staatstheater Wiesbaden

Staatstheater Mainz and tanzmainz

Aerowaves is Co-funded by the European Union and Spring Forward 2024 is possible thanks to the support of: Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain, Pro-Helvetia, Acción Cultural Española, Kultur Luxembourg, Perform Czech, Onassis Stegi, British Council,  Italian Cultural Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Czech Centre Berlin and Québec Government Office in Berlin.


Days left until event








Sharing More Works

Dates: 21st Sep 2023

Time: 7pm 

Title: Sharing More Works

Venue/Location: Betriebswerk Heidelberg

Event description:

With Sharing More Works, the Heidelberg dance institution is swarming out into the city to connect with other creatives in special places. Meet new people, discover creative works and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere!

For more information visit the Inter-Actions Website and their Thinkingactions Initiative: 

Days left until event








XE [zi:]

Dates: 21st, 22rd & 23rd July 2023

Time: 8pm and 6pm (on the 23rd)

Title: XE [zi:]

Venue/Location: Am Alten Stromwerk, Fardelystraße 1-3, Mannheim

Event description:

A trans-disciplinary dance- and film installation by Darja Reznikova

In collaboration with the dancers (live) Miriam Markl, Cecilia Ponteprimo, Marco Labellarte and Felix Chang

On screen: Lorenzo Ponteprimo, Anthony Selwyn, Llewellyn Mnguni

Speech and Song: João Kreth d’Orey

Sound/Music: Sabio Janiak

Dramaturgy: Angela Wendt

Light und Set Design: Mireille Solomon

Costume Design: Susana Florêncio

Murals: Johanna Denke

Videography: Gothamfotografia


Xe, Ze, Ve, E, Te, Sie, Thon, Tey, Ey, Per, Peh, Fae….
Language creates awareness and reinforces stereotypes, but what if the vocabulary is not enough to describe one’s identity? Woman, man, both or neither… It is difficult to describe in words what have long been realities. Gender queer, fluid, LGBTIQ+, the conservative division of roles based on biological sex is far outdated. However, do our language and togetherness follow this change?
What do words do to us and what influence does language have on gender orientation? How do we experience and perceive people in relation to the pronouns used? How do certain meanings of a word become established and what cultural, political and ethical influence do these have on us and our bodies?

Gender socialisation as a construct of society and the inexhaustible existence of each of us beyond the physical body form the central aspects that are the focus of this project. The dance installation in the rooms of the old Stromwerk and the interactive dance film deal with these themes in an trans-disciplinary and multimedia way.

Supported and funded by the Kulturamt Mannheim and our cooperation partners Inter-Actions Studio, Dance Professional Mannheim, Theater Felina-Areal, WF Fliesen and Nachmarkt am Stromwerk.

The project was partly created at the Inter-Actions Studio in Heidelberg. #StudioActions


Solidarity price system with either 15€, 20€ or 25€.

Any higher donation to support our dance company and future projects is welcome!

Buy tickets: PayPal link below

Ticket reservation or by bank transfer, use contact form below or email to:

Please always indicate the date of the respective performance and number of tickets!

Due to the space audience capacity is limited each evening , so please reserve tickets early!

Reserve your tickets here...

15 + 2 =

Days left until Premiere








XE [zi:] Film Streaming

Dates: 26-30 November 2022

Time: Premiere 8 pm, then all day 

Title: XE [zi:] Film Streaming



Event description:

A trans-disciplinary and interactive dance film by Darja Reznikova/SoBoProductions and Gothamfotografia

The film consists of 7 interrelated parts and was created in collaboration with the artists: 

XE [zi:] Opening – João Kreth d’Orey

Lost in Translation – Felix Chang

The Living Room – Marco Labellarte and Cecilia Ponteprimo

Deep Blue Sea – Miriam Markl

Re-birth – Anthony Selwyn

Projections – Lorenzo Ponteprimo

The Gathering – Miriam Markl, Lorenzo und Cecilia Ponteprimo, Felix Chang, Anthony Selwyn, Marco Labellarte, João Kreth d’Orey, Sabio Janiak

Dramaturgy: Angela Wendt

Lighting and set design: Mireille Solomon

Costume design: Susana Florêncio

Location: Altes Stromwerk Mannheim

Xe, Ze, Ve, E, Te, Sie, Thon, Tey, Ey, Per, Peh, Fae….

Language creates awareness and reinforces stereotypes, but what if the words that exist are not enough to describe one’s identity? Male, female, both or neither… It is difficult to describe in depth what has long been the reality. Gender queer, fluid, LGBTIQ+, the conservative division of roles based on biological sex is far outdated. However, do our language and co-existence reflect this change?

What effect do words have on us and how does language influence one’s gender orientation? How do we experience and perceive people in relation to the pronouns used? How do certain meanings of a word become established and what cultural, political and ethical influence do these have on us and our bodies?

Gender socialisation as a construct of society and the inexhaustible existence of each of us beyond the physical body form the central aspects that are the focus of this project. 

Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR. Aid Programme Dance. 

Furthermore supported and funded by the Kulturamt Mannheim and the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.

Cooperation partners: Inter-Actions Studios, Dance Professional Mannheim, Theater Felina-Areal and Nachmarkt am Stromwerk.

Days left until event








XE [zi:] Dance Film & Talk

Dates: 19th November 2022

Time: 7:30pm

Title: XE [zi:] Dance Film & Talk

Venue/Location: Queer Centre Mannheim, G7 14, 68159 Mannheim

Event description:

Excerpts from the interactive dance film XE [zi:] by Darja Reznikova are the basis for a round of talks with Ilka Magdalena Kaufmann (dgti), Darja Reznikova (choreographer), Angela Wendt (dramaturge), a member of the dance ensemble and a member of the TIN community on these topics, among others:
What real effects on social discourses can such a performance have? What is the significance of participating in such a performance for the artists? What relevance do such performances have from the perspective of a human rights organisation like dgti?

The film will be available online at for the entire duration of the Trans* Action Weeks.
Vimeo link:

When: Saturday, 19.11.2022, 19:30 hrs.
Where: QZM, G7 14, 68159 Mannheim, Germany

This lecture takes place in the context of the Trans* Action Weeks Rhine-Neckar 2022, in a cooperation of the QZM together with the dgti e.V. and the LGBTI commission of the city of Mannheim.

Registration is not necessary, admission is free.

Information on accessibility: The event room is accessible without steps. Questions about accessibility in the QZM can be sent to

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at


Days left until event








Dates: 22nd, 23rd, 27th &28th July 2022

Time: 8pm

Title: XE [zi:]

Venue/Location: Am Alten Stromwerk, Fardelystraße 1-3, Mannheim

Event description:

A trans-disciplinary multimedia dance production by Darja Reznikova

In collaboration with the artists Miriam Markl, Lorenzo and Cecilia Ponteprimo, Anthony Selwyn, Marco Labellarte, Felix Chang, Llewellyn Mnguni, João Kreth d’Orey, Sabio Janiak, Johanna Denke and Gothamfotografia

Dramaturgy: Angela Wendt
Lighting and set design: Mireille Solomon
Costume design: Susana Florêncio
Graphics: Schreiner Medien Design
Technology: A.M.V. Audiomedia
Craft: WF Fliesen

Xe, Ze, Ve, E, Te, Sie, Thon, Tey, Ey, Per, Peh, Fae….
Language creates awareness and reinforces stereotypes, but what if the vocabulary is not enough to describe one’s identity? Woman, man, both or neither… It is difficult to describe in words what have long been realities. Gender queer, fluid, LGBTIQ+, the conservative division of roles based on biological sex is far outdated. However, do our language and togetherness follow this change?
What do words do to us and what influence does language have on gender orientation? How do we experience and perceive people in relation to the pronouns used? How do certain meanings of a word become established and what cultural, political and ethical influence do these have on us and our bodies?

Gender socialisation as a construct of society and the inexhaustible existence of each of us beyond the physical body form the central aspects that are the focus of this project. The dance installation in the rooms of the old Stromwerk and the interactive dance film deal with these themes in an trans-disciplinary and multimedia way.

Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative. Aid Programme Dance.
Furthermore supported and funded by the Kulturamt Mannheim and the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.

The project was partly created at the Inter-Actions Studio in Heidelberg. #StudioActions

Many thanks to our cooperation partners Inter-Actions Studio, Dance Professional Mannheim, Theater Felina-Areal, Nachmarkt am Stromwerk. 

Solidarity price system with either 8€, 12€, 16€ or 24€.

Any higher donation to support our dance company and future projects is welcome!

Buy tickets: PayPal link below

Ticket reservation or by bank transfer, use contact form below or email to:

Please always indicate the date of the respective performance and number of tickets!

Due to the space audience capacity is limited to 20 people per evening , so please reserve tickets early!

Reserve your tickets here...

6 + 3 =

Days left until Premiere








Date: 5th June 2022

Title: Audition XE 

Venue/Location: Dance Professsional Mannheim, Industriestrasse Mannheim

How to apply:

SoBo Productions is seeking 3 professional contemporary movement-based LGBTQQIP2SAA+ artists for their upcoming site-specific production and dance film XE.

Candidates must be available between 20th June and 7th August 2022. Travel and accommodation is paid for. To apply please send a video link (max 3 min) of you dancing, moving, singing or acting (stage, film or improvisation), a video link (max 1 min) of you speaking into the camera about a personal key experience related to gender (in your mother tongue), a CV with a photo to: . APPLICATION DEADLINE 15 May 2022

Days left until Applications Close








I Am…Hannes-Michael Steven Omohundro-Bronczkowski…

Date: 9., 11. & 12. September 2021

Title: I Am…Hannes-Michael Steven Omohundro-Bronczkowski…

Venue/Location: Theater Felina-Areal, Mannheim

Days left until Premiere








I Am... - Tanz - Film - Talk

Date: 22. September 2021, 7:30pm

Title: I Am… – Tanz – Film – Talk

Venue/Location: Kulturtragfstival, Main Open Air Stage, Schlosspark/Rheinterasse Mannheim

Days left unitl Premiere








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